Kaiser Showtechnik recently purchased Clay Paky Alpha Spot HPE 1500 lights. When first used to illuminate the iconic Augsburg building, the town hall, the Italian company’s moving lights provided proof of their wide performance range.
Managing director Maxx Kaiser explained: “We used 20 of our Clay Paky Alpha Spot HPE 1500 lights for the project. The city of Augsburg fully supported us in the project, turning off the Town hall’s lighting and street lamps. In return, we lit up the Town Hall with the FC Augsburg football team colours since they were playing the last game valid for promotion, which they won.”
Maxx Kaiser continued: “The installation was created after the Town hall closed. At around midnight we recorded the first videos and snapshots, and the entire production set was fully removed from the Town hall square before the beginning of the next work day.”
In addition to the Alpha Spot HPE 1500, Kaiser Showtechnik also used the Alpha Beam 700 and Sharpy. “We can only report positive experiences with Clay Paky moving lights”, confirmed Maxx Kaiser, “This is why we will certainly use them in the future.”
Leo Hermann was the lighting designer and full-size grandMA operator and also positioned and programmed the moving lights. Maxx Kaiser came up with the idea and concept.
All lighting equipment was provided by Kaiser Showtechnik. Lightpower provided the company with the moving lights.
Video engineering director: Thomas Forster.