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Designed to host the Celine Dion Show, which is held here on 200 evenings every year, Caesar’s Palace Coliseum in Las Vegas this year hosts another great star; the owners of the mega-auditorium, built beside the most famous casino in the world, have succeeded in another formidable coup: Elton John is a guaranteed presence there for the next three years. The talented English musician will be performing at Caesar’s Palace before an audience of 5,000 paying spectators for 75 evenings a year, alternating with Celine Dion.

Gifted with an inimitable and spontaneous voice and riding on the crest of a wave for more than 30 years, Reginald Dwight, stage name Elton John, has been hailed as the fourth rock phenomenon after Elvis Presley, the Beatles and Bob Dylan,chronologically speaking. Elton John has been knighted by the Queen of England for his artistic merits and social commitment (numerous fund-raising charity concerts).

During his concerts Elton John is able to combine his great artistic talent with outrageous costumes and scenic creations. An Elton John Show is much more than a musical event, and for this reason the lighting also plays an essential role.

The light design inside an auditorium needs a more theatrical approach than that normally created for an outdoor concert. Furthermore, when 200 projectors are working, the noise made by the cooling fans contained in the equipment can be very irritating, so maximum operating silence is essential.

The owners of Caesar’s Palace already solved this problem last year when they turned to Clay Paky, which was able to offer the perfect solution for the demands of the environment. 60 Stage Profile Plus SV were installed inside the auditorium, namely the sophisticated Clay Paky moving-body beam shapers which have all the most important functions of a professional projector: graphic effects at will, CMY full colour mixing system and, above all, the most innovative profile system on the market. The Stage Profile Plus SV also guarantees maximum operating silence, reducing noise by 50% compared to moving-body projectors of similar power.

Starting from 25 March 2003, the Stage Profile Plus SV projectors have accompanied the 250 shows held until now by Celine Dion, enhancing the artist’s performance and showing perfect reliability, an fundamental requirement for such important events repeated over a period of time.

Elton John himself, an artist well known for the importance he gives to the image and quality of his show, has accepted the Caesar’s Palace proposal after doing several inaugural concerts that impressed him favourably due to the exceptional environment and the technology made available to him by the production.

For some months now the Clay Paky Stage Profile Plus SV will shine for the star Elton John, while waiting for the queen of world pop to return to the place designed and created specially for her.