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Clay Paky at the Casino Theatre in Sanremo
Lighting Designer
Fausto Carboni
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On occasion of the 2006 edition of the Sanremo Song Festival, RAI broadcasted some special episodes of Domenica IN and Affari Tuoi from the Casino Theatre in Sanremo.

For the occasion, an extremely high quality scenery and technical lighting setup was used, aimed at recalling the iconography of the renowned Sanremo event, and at the same timein order to propose the two RAI programmes with a different stage appeal than is normally proposed.

The Photography Director Fausto Carboniopted for a Clay Paky lighting system, that included 8 Alpha Spot HPE 1200, 12 Alpha Spot HPE 575, 12 Alpha Wash Halo, 4 Stage Profile Plus SV, 30 CP Color MH.

“I had to realize a lighting effect that could be adapted to both programmes, which both required completely different lighting setups”–explains Fausto Carboni. “The choice of the motorised projectors and the layout of the same was carefully studied before installation, because we were aware that, once installed, they would not be touched again for the whole week, which did not apply to the scenography that on the other hand changed each time.”.

Carboni has been using Clay Paky projectors in the numerous programmes for which he is Photography Director for many years now, and he tells us how and why he made the choice to use aClay Paky lighting system also for these productions.

“I just had to use the new HPE 1200, both for the extraordinary lighting, and for the wide range of graphic effects that it provides. In particular, some gobos on this projector were wonderfully suited to the scenography of “Domenica In”, that recalled the floral element which is so typical of the city of Sanremo.”.

The Alpha Spot HPE 1200 were in fact used above all for the graphics of the walls on the stage and the large impending gallery area, whilst the Alpha Spot HPE 575 were used for ground graphics. The Alpha Wash HALO had an important role in “Affari Tuoi”, Carboni comments. “Unlike for “Domenica In”, I needed a halogen light to valorise the scenic elements, such as for example the many colored tubs of flowers that encircled the stage. The Alpha Wash Halo not only was able to enhance the colors of the scenery, but it was also used on many occasions on the persons instead of the classical “white lights.”. The use of the color of the wash, and the spotlight effects, on the other hand were important during breaks and during certain situations in the programme”.

The lighting system was completed with 30 CP Color 400 MH to colour the backdrops, and with some Stage Profile Plus SV profile spotlights, that Carboni has incessantly been using for 4 years in all his works: he considers it in fact a product “with unique characteristics, capable of producing extremely interesting and useful effects”. At the Casino Theatre they were mainly used to achieve effects on the proscenium and the stage in general.

The lighting setup was finalised with the significant collaboration of the controls operator Enrico Cairoli, – working on both productions – and very well known in the field for his great passion and professionalism (he is also the author of an extremely popular “columnist”).

Further to these programmes broadcast by RAI from the Casino Theatre during the Sanremo Festival, Clay Paky is also used in a series of other RAI productions. To mention just a few:L’Eredità, La Domenica Sportiva, Quelli che il Calcio, L’Italia sul due, Amadeus, Alle Falde del Kilimangiaro.

The same Sanremo Song Festival 2006 and the canonical editions of Affari Tuoi and Domenica In can count on a lighting system which includes Clay Paky projectors.