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The 7th Knight of Illumination Awards has lift off

UK – It’s that time of the year again – the 7th Knight of Illumination (KOI) Awards have launched and already the entries are flying in for Television and Concert Touring and Events. 2014 will see yet another celebration of talented international lighting and digital content designers that have worked in the UK in the sectors of TV, Theatre and Concert Touring and Events!

Not only that the guest list is open to all who might wish to attend ensuring that KOI continues to establish itself as a pan industry event as Durham Marenghi, an award winning lighting designer in his own right and coordinator for the Knight of Illumination Awards, explains: “In just seven years KOI has established itself as a much coveted lighting and video industry award, respected for truly celebrating the art and creativity of lighting, video and show design. In fact so successful has the event been that it was recently referred to in the Guardian newspaper, in an article that detailed the creative value a lighting designer can bring to the overall production process.”

The KOI Awards was conceived and is organised by lighting manufacturer, Clay Paky, along with the STLD (Society of Television Lighting Designers) who focus on Television; the ALD (Association of Lighting Designers) who’s emphasis is on Theatre and The Fifth Estate who concentrates on Concert Touring and Events. Today the KOI Awards continues to forge ever-closer ties between lighting and video designers – at all stages of their careers – and the lighting and digital content design industry as a whole.

Each sector is assessed by its own panel of industry experts and submissions can now be made for lighting and digital content designers for the TV and Concert Touring and Events categories by visiting the KOI Website. The shortlists will be announced in early September.

By contrast the Theatre Awards are judged by a respected panel of professional arts critics and journalists from a selection of shows that they have seen throughout the year. Any show that the critics have seen in that time is eligible for inclusion and is discussed at judging time. It is from this discussion that the final shortlist of nominees is collated.

Each sector breaks down into the following categories:

Musicals | Dance | Opera | Play I Projection Design

Light Entertainment | Small Studio | Drama | Events I Graphic Display

Arena | Stage | Live Event I Video Electronic Content

In addition The Enrico Caironi Lifetime Recognition Award will be presented to an individual who’s passion for the industry has gone above and beyond the call of duty and in turn benefited their colleagues, the industry and the wider world.

2014’s ultimate winners will join an acclaimed list of respected designers including the 2013 winners as follows: Television: Gurdip Mahal and Ross Williams, Colin Case, Ashley Rowe, Nick Collier and Dave Newton, for Theatre and Dance: Fabiana Piccioli, Paule Constable, Jean Kalman, Charles Balfour, Lysander Ashton and for Concert Touring and Events: Baz Halpin, Bruno Poet, Patrick Woodroffe, Sarah Hopper and Damian Hale. Ian Dow was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement award.

For more information and to make a submission for Concert Touring and Events or Television please visit the KOI website and social media sites at:
